Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Quote of the Day

One of my friends Ashley has a fabulous blog that encompasses all parts of her life - today she posted a beautiful letter John Steinbeck wrote to his then teenage son, who was in love with a girl from boarding school.

The letter, as beautifully written as it is, has one sentence that I find so true and applicable for many people in my life:

"And don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens — The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away."

So completely true. For my close friends going through challenging times right now - just remember, if  it's right, it happens. Nothing good gets away.

Thanks, Ash!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Flat Fetish

Khaner left for a week for the Consumer Electronic Show in Vegas, and surprised me with  beautiful new Tory Burch flats when he came home

LOVE them!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Vivace Fun

Friday was Mallory's last night in town, and luckily, Sarah was in town for an engagement party, so we all got together (me a bit later, with a long work day) at Vivace.

Khaner is on a business trip for a week - if anyone wants to get together, call me!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Week

Sorry for the delay...we have had quite a week of family and friends, and now, just before going back to work tomorrow, have some time to post.

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday with both our families this year, and the house felt a bit lonely on Friday when they all left. As I grow older, I truly cherish the meaning of the season- being with those you love.

Christmas tree

Pre-Christmas Eve lunch

Some of our fun Christmas cards

Daddy during his ritual WSJ time

Mom asked me to get the chandelier in this one?

Daddy and me

Mom and I

Merry Merry!


Merry Christmas Mom and Dad!

Man of the house taking a seat before guests arrive

Our first Christmas in our new home!

Thanks, Khaner

Christmas Eve lunch with the Walkers and Darlings

A Darling Christmas tradition - English trifle!

And more goodies after lunch, compliments of Elizabeth's family

Khaner and his Mom Christmas Day, after brunch, walk through the neighborhood

Mom and I thought it would be fun to swing

Fun dinner with the Colemans Wednesday at PF Changs

Dessert afterwards

Natalie and I Saturday night, enjoying Khaner's steaks with twice baked potatoes!

Hope everyone enjoyed a healthy and happy holiday, sharing the joy of the season with those you love. Happy New Year!