Monday, November 26, 2018

Cyber Monday and Toddler Holiday Gift Guide

Not sure where the last 3+ months went, but wow, what a year! Working in ecommerce the past 8 years, Cyber Monday is far and away the biggest day for my team. I actually look forward to coming into the office every year and tracking how our brands and retailers perform from last year. It's also comforting to see consumer confidence and spend on the rise!

As my children are still so young, we are keeping Christmas gifts limited to 1-2 toys and stocking stuffers. My parents and in-laws tend to go all-out, so as the parents, we try to keep "Santa's" gifts more in-check.

Inspiration for Charlotte's gifts have come from her recent development and growth the past few months. She really adores books at this age but doesn't own a lot of fairy tale stories. She also loves to color and doodle. When we vacuum, she takes out a child's golf club and pretends she is also vacuuming which cracks me up. Finally, her hair is long enough for a headband! Experiencing her changes as she grows up is the most rewarding part of being a parent

As Harrison is barely a year old at Christmas, we are just giving him "boy" books and some New Balances. He will probably just chew on the boxes :)

Charlotte's stocking stuffers:

Charlotte's gift from Santa:

Harrison's stocking stuffers:

Harrison's gift from Santa:

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